Thursday, July 28, 2011

be productive even in Ramadhan! ^^

Lessons of Productivity from the Battle of Badr

by ProductiveMuslim
Posted in ArticlesCommunityWorship

A number of inspiring lessons can be learnt from the battle of Badr. These can be truly motivating when we face major challenges in our day to day activities. Below are just 6 of these lessons:

1. Have true conviction (Yakin) in the Help of Allah

Before arrival to the battle, Allah sent down the rain to soften the ground over which the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his army traveled, making them and the animals more sure-footed, whilst the Meccans had parts of their trail washed away and in mud making it difficult for them. Remember that Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) always opens a pathway for success when we place our full conviction and have firm faith in Him (Subahanahu Wa Ta’la).

2. Reliance (Tawakkul) in Allah: Make No Excuses

This battle is where the early Muslims learned the lesson of the power of total reliance on Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala). And it is the place where Allah guides the new Muslim community – teaching them the way of reliance on Him. Allah sent the angels from the unseen world to give firmness to the believers and fulfill His Command. This was a fulfillment of Allah’s promise to send tranquility upon those who have firm faith: “When He caused calm to fall on you as a security from Him. [8:11]

3. Success is from Allah

Amongst the signs of tawakkul in Allah from the companions, was their complete trust that they could conquer the large army despite the ratio difference. It is from the grounds of the battlefield we often find many verses revealed in the Qur’an of the spiritual and physical strength that was required.
The success of the Muslims is only by Allah, so we should remember we are not productive because of our own efforts. Allah (Subahanahu Wa Ta’la) revealed after the battle: “It is not you who defeated them; it was Allah. When you threw (a handful of dust), it was not your act, but Allah’s, in order that He might test the Believers by a gracious trial from Himself; for Allah is He Who Hears and Knows (all things)” [8:17]
Similarly, the fight of the soul to develop itself is enduring this month so that you may reap many rewards, yet you must seek success from Allah (Subahanahu Wa Ta’la).

4. You are never alone

The Prophet (peace be upon him) knew that he and his Companions (May Allah be pleased with them) were not alone in this battle. The Qur’an revealed that Angels joined the battlefield to help the Muslims.Let’s ask ourselves, how can we practically bring such aid from Allah in our day to day life? This is where the inner jihad that takes place in serving Allah (Subahanahu Wa Ta’la) comes into play. We are taught that internally we must open our soul with firm faith in Allah and guide our body and actions to good deeds in order to receive assistance from Allah and to turn away from the distractions of Shaytan.

5. United as brothers

Today, Muslims worldwide are divided yet the battle of badr affirmed the fruits of being united as a brotherhood. They solidified their lines, and became like an immovable wall. The Quraysh were inwardly full of fear and all the confidence which had been there as they set out from Mecca was washed out of them as they met the well-disciplined Muslim army. Even Shaytan fled the scene in the overwhelming spiritual presence and Help of Allah that descended on the united Muslims.
Allah (Subahanahu Wa Ta’la) said: “And when Satan made their deeds seem fair to them and said: ‘No-one of mankind can conquer you this day, for I am your protector’. But when the armies came in sight of one another, he took flight, saying: ‘Lo! I am guiltless of you. Lo! I see that which ye see not. Lo! I fear Allah.’ And Allah is severe in punishment. [8:48]

6. Don’t be defeated

One of the biggest lessons of Badr, is that that we shouldn’t feel defeated this Ramadan. We shouldn’t feel defeated internally; by giving up to laziness, or making excuses, or failing to perform our utmost to serve Allah. And we shouldn’t feel defeated collectively, as an Ummah, regardless of our circumstances, for truly the victory of Allah is near.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Ramadhan bulan transformasi

Salamu'alaik semua.

Subhanallah wabihamdihi
Subhanallah hal 'adzim :)

semoga semua sentiasa dalam lindungan kasih sayangNya.

dalam era yang serba canggih dan zaman penggunaan perkataan2 bombastik dan saintifik,ramai yang mesti sangat familiar dengan perkataan "transformasi".

bukan saja transformers sahaja yang boleh berubah,malah manusia luar biasa (mana ada manusia biasa~) semua boleh berubah.
vitamin Ramadhan untuk menjana iman dan taqwa

oleh itu,jom sama2 gunakan Ramadhan yang bakal tiba ni,insya'Allah untuk sama2 men'transform' diri,jiwa dan raga kepada yang lebih baik.ameen.

di sini,saya tampalkan (paste) link ceramah Ustaz Hasrizal mengenai transformasi Ramadhan,semoga bermanfaat.sila klik sini.

ok,nak sambung dengar ceramah ^^

p/s:kepada sesiapa yang payah nak download link di atas,sila tinggalkan alamat (read as address) email,iA,nanti saya emailkan :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

preparing for Ramadhan Al-Mubarak!! :)

Salamu'laik to all.

how's the preparation for Ramadhan so far?

so far,so Alhamdulillah? Alhamdulillah :)

here a very awesoooome video regarding preparing ourselves for the coming Ramadhan.enjoy!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

mari sama-sama meminta :)

Salamu'alaik buat semua.

Subhanallah wa bihamdihi
Subhanallah hal 'adzim

macam mana? berjaya x,melakukan perubahan-perubahan kecil dalam kehidupan seharian?
walaupun kecil perubahan-perubahan yang kita lakukan,semoga Allah terima.
kan itu,yang lebih penting :)

semoga dengan syukur bertambah nikmat :)
kali ni,jom kita sama-sama belajar dan amalkan doa untuk memperbaiki amalan.semoga Allah mudahkan langkah-langkah kita memperbaiki diri.^^
ok,semua sedia,angkat tangan,dan bacalah:

selamat beramal!

jom,sama2 tingkatkan amalan,Ramadhan dah makin dekat ni .

semoga kita semua,Allah izinkan bertemu lagi dengan Ramadhan yang mulia.

selamat datang Sya'ban! (lupa pulak~)

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